Dinheiro - sua natureza e origem

Dinheiro - sua natureza e origem

The Nature and Origin of Money

The study of spontaneous orders—systems of coordination resulting from human action but not of human design—is one of the most important tasks facing economists. Austrian economist and Nobel laureate F. A. Hayek even claimed that understanding these phenomena was the single most important concern of the social sciences.
With its evolving networks and patterns of exchange, the free-market economy is perhaps the best-known example of spontaneous order. However, the extensive division of labor common in advanced market economies (and thus often taken for granted) itself rests on another self-organizing and self-perpetuating system. You can find evidence of that system every time you open your wallet.

Read more: http://www.fee.org/the_freeman/detail/the-nature-and-origin-of-money#ixzz2EOvm6GuA


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