
O mundo é estranho: MIB

Acho que o pessoal do MIB iria se divertir muito se pesquisasse a origem alienígena (= economista) de certos carinhas. Exemplos:

George Bush, Sr., former president of the United States;

Lionel Richie

Scott Adams. Creator of Dilbert.

Mose Allison. Jazz Artist.

John Elway. NFL quarterback.

Les Aspin. Former Secretary of Defense.

William Isaac. Former Chairman of the FDIC.

Jesse Jackson. Minister and social activist. BA in Economics and Sociology, N. Carolina A&T

Phil Gramm. U.S. Senator. Ph.D. in Economics, University of Georgia

Mick Jagger. Entertainer. Undergraduate student in Economics, London School of Economics

Tom Magliozzi. Car mechanic. Co-host of "Car Talk." B.S. in Economics, MIT.

Ronald Reagan. Entertainer, former President. B.A. in Economics, Eureka College

David Rockefeller. Retired Board Chairman, Chase-Manhattan Corp. Ph.D. in Economics, University of Chicago.

Randy Stoklos. Beach volleyball player - 1996 Olympic Gold Medal. B.A. in Economics, UCLA.

Charles Taylor. Dictator of Liberia. B.A. in Economics, Bentley College.


- Gary Becker Died.
Becker, 83, University Professor of Economics and of Sociology at the University of Chicago, died on May 3 after a long illness. He won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1992 “for having extended the domain of microeconomic analysis...

- Tqm
The most important equation in economics Much of the history of economics can be traced by the contents of its best-selling textbooks. In 1848, John Stuart Mill published the blockbuster economics textbook of the 19th century: Principles of Political...

- John Taylor Fala Sobre Hayek E A Macroeconomia
John Taylor, best known for formulating the Taylor rule, spoke at Duke University on Wednesday, April 10, as part of the Hayek Lecture series. The lecture was titled "Why We Still Need to Read Hayek." Professor Taylor's most recent books are Bankruptcy...

- Cultura E Economia E A Cultura Das Ciências Econômicas
Culture in Economics and the Culture of Economics: Raquel Fernández in Conversation with The StraddlerOn October 17, 2011, The Straddler met with Raquel Fernández at her office at NYU, where she is Professor of Economics. Fernández has been a leader...

- Economia Austríaca: Um Ótimo Livro De Peter Boettke
Quem recomenda é Tyler Cowen. Aqui vão alguns excertos da resenha feita por Jeffrey Tucker: "“Economics puts parameters on people’s utopias.” Yes. That’s exactly it. That’s why the politicians hate  economics. That’s why the media are...

