John Taylor fala sobre Hayek e a macroeconomia

John Taylor fala sobre Hayek e a macroeconomia

John Taylor, best known for formulating the Taylor rule, spoke at Duke University on Wednesday, April 10, as part of the Hayek Lecture series. The lecture was titled "Why We Still Need to Read Hayek." Professor Taylor's most recent books are Bankruptcy Not Bailout: A Special Chapter 14, edited with Kenneth Scott (Hoover Press, 2012); Government Policies and the Delayed Economic Recovery, edited with L. Ohanian and I. Wright (Hoover Press, 2012); and First Principles: Five Keys to Restoring America's Prosperity (Norton, 2012), for which he was awarded the 2012 Hayek Prize. Mr. Taylor is Mary and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics at Stanford University. The Hayek Lecture Series is sponsored by the Thomas W. Smith Foundation; the Center for the History of Political Economy at Duke University; the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Program (a joint program of Duke University and the University of North Carolina); and the Duke Program on American Values and Institutions (the Gerst Program).


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