Cultura e economia e a cultura das ciências econômicas

Cultura e economia e a cultura das ciências econômicas

Culture in Economics and the Culture of Economics:
Raquel Fernández in Conversation with The Straddler

On October 17, 2011, The Straddler met with Raquel Fernández at her office at NYU, where she is Professor of Economics. Fernández has been a leader in the study of culture's impact on economic outcomes. Our conversation explored her work as well as her perspective on the strengths and limits of economics as a discipline.
"... the reason why I tell people they should study economics is not so they’ll know something at the end—because I don’t think we know much—but because we’re good at thinking. Economics teaches you to think things through. What you see a lot of times in economics is disdain for other's lack of thinking. You have to think about the ramifications of policies in the short run, the medium run, and the long run. Economists think they’re good at doing that, but they’re good at doing that in the sense that they can write down a model that will help them think about it..."


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