
Quer ver filmes iranianos? Veja os que são feitos fora das leis estatais

A Wired traz uma boa seleção de filmes iranianos...mas aqueles feitos fora das autorizações oficiais da dinastia dos aiatolás.

Confira mais clicando no link abaixo.

Wired News: Iran's Most Wanted: Filmmakers: "Since the Iranian revolution in 1979, the country's only sanctioned filmmaking has come about through government agencies. Within this system, world-renowned filmmakers including Abbas Kiarostami and Mohsen Makhmalbaf have built an artful, innovative stream of movies. In terms of aesthetics, Iranian cinema has been an unqualified success.
But Mansouri indicated that these state-sponsored filmmakers do not have the freedom to explore the important issues facing Iranians. Underground filmmakers like Mantini, on the other hand, strive to tackle, head-on, Iran's societal ills.
More and more may be doing just that, using consumer cameras and editing systems. Among the filmmakers represented in the REDCAT show are Mahnaz Afzali, a well-known actress, who shot her film, The Ladies, in a public restroom in a Tehran park, capturing the stories of prostitutes, runaways and other refugees from Iranian society.
Maziar Bahari's And Along Came a Spider features interviews with a man who became a hero after killing 16 prostitutes to 'cleanse' Iranian society. Our Times and Zinat, A Very Special Day both explore the challenges facing female would-be politicians"


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