
Mais sobre o Sarin encontrado no Iraque

Quando você não acha é um problema grave. Quando você acha não é uma "grande coisa" (big deal). De qualquer forma...aí vai.

Yahoo! News - Sarin-Filled Munitions in Iraq Worry U.S.: Since the March 2003 invasion of Iraq, a U.S. group of weapons inspectors, called the Iraq Survey Group, has been searching for weapons of mass destruction, finding only signs of programs — but no evidence — of actual weapons.

The existence of a sarin-filled munition thus could become the first indication that Saddam's regime had not destroyed all banned weapons.

But Kay, the former head of that group, said it appears that the shell was one of tens of thousands produced for the Iran-Iraq war, which Saddam was supposed to destroy or turn over to the United Nations (news - web sites). In many cases, he said, Iraq did comply.

"It is hard to know if this is one that just was overlooked — and there were always some that were overlooked, we knew that — or if this was one that came from a hidden stockpile," Kay said. "I rather doubt that because it appears the insurgents didn't even know they had a chemical round."

While Saturday's explosion does demonstrate that Saddam hadn't complied fully with U.N. resolutions, Kay also said, "It doesn't strike me as a big deal."


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