
A difícil transição institucional

The really scary part, however, may be yet to come. Thus far violence in Baghdad has been limited to unorganized gangs of looters carrying Kalashnikovs. But Iraqi security experts and other sources in the capital say that, under the nose of the American forces, Iraq's nascent political groups are forming armed militias and storing weapons as they prepare for a potential civil war for control of the country. In fact, The New Republic has learned, several Iraqis say even Hezbollah has formed a branch in Baghdad. Ultimately, if Baghdad's power vacuum is not filled soon, the rise of organized armed factions could turn Iraq's capital into a twenty-first-century version of 1980s Beirut.

UPDATE: Aqui vai uma boa para ouvir online: U.S. Economic Plan For Iraq?

What does the U.S. have in its bag of tricks to help the Iraqi economy?: Documents leaked from the White House last week show an ambitious plan to transform Iraq’s economy into a capitalist one, including selling off state industries, a rewriting of Iraq’s financial legal code, and a revision of how Iraqis conduct business. But most Iraqis don’t know this discussion is even happening. Since Iraq had been ruled by the nominally socialist Ba’ath party since 1968, many don’t have a fond view of capitalism. And, many in Iraq feel the U.S. has been doing a lousy job communicating its plans to the people. This silence leaves Iraqis wondering just what U.S. plans are. Some say the will of Iraqis is clear: they want socialism.
Aired: May 8, 2003
Reporter: Adam Davidson


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