
Viés da imprensa

Excelente análise da imprensa e de seu comportamento após a descoberta do Sarin no Iraque.

Now that the news of the find of the weaponized nerve agent sarin in Iraq (which has now been confirmed) has been available for over a day, it is interesting to see how the frequented news organizations perceive the value of this story. The metric that will be used to determine the significance is the order of the story's placement in on a website, which I believe is the true indicator of perceived importance as deemed by the publisher. For the sake of brevity, I randomly chose three popular news sources: the New York Times (the paper of record), the BBC, and CBS. Since news sites update their web indexes daily, today's web pages have been saved for your viewing pleasure.


- News & Current Affairs:
AAP MediaNetABC Online ABC Ananova Arts Journal AsiaWorks Television Associated Press Associated Press NY Times BBC News Ticker Service BBC Online BBC World Service Bloomberg Brill's Content CBS News CBS MarketWatch

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