

The pensions crisis
or everything you need to know about your future but may be too scared to ask
12 October 2004

£57bn A report for the Government today identifies this figure as the total gap between how much people are saving and how much they need to save to ensure a comfortable retirement
13m The number of British people not saving enough to provide for a secure retirement, almost half the 28m working population
£110,000 The amount a non-smoking female needs to have saved at age 65 to buy a retirement income of £100 a week
£500,000 Amount a non-smoking male needs to have saved to retire at 55 to provide an inflation-proof annual income of £20,000
£30,000 The average pension pot at retirement age, buying an income of £30 a week
1m The number of UK pensioners living below the poverty line
22 per cent How much of your earnings you need to put aside each month if you don't start saving for your pension until 40 years old
£70,000 The gap between how much people think they need to save for retirement and the reality
5 per cent The level of GDP the UK government spends on pensions
11 per cent The level of GDP other EU governments spend on pensions
18 per cent Percentage of the British population currently over pensionable age
25 per cent Predicted percentage of the British population over pensionable age by 2040
15 Average number of years people were living beyond 65 in 1978
18 Average number of years people live beyond age 65 today
21 Average number of years people are predicted to live beyond 65 by 2030
60 per cent The percentage of Britons working to pay the pensions of the 21 per cent who have retired
56 per cent The percentage of Britons working in 2030 to pay the pensions of the 27 per cent retired


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