

Quando Bin Laden consegue alterar a eleição na Espanha, você se preocupa. Mas consegue ele destruir o crescimento mundial?

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FT-RAND-Janusian Terrorism Survey Analysis

Trecho: The survey revealed the level of concern the business community has about Al Qaeda and instability in the Middle East, and in particular the impact of the war in Iraq. A staggering 93% of respondents believed that the war with Iraq had increased the threat of global terrorism. With 88 per cent of organisations believing that Al Qaeda presents a higher threat than traditional forms of terrorism - including most notably against long-standing domestic terrorism across Western Europe, wherea remarkable 76 per cent were more concerned about al-Qaeda than domestic terrorism (at only 2 per cent - versus 22 per cent who viewed them 'about the same'). 83 per cent reported that they feel that the threat of terrorism will increase over the next two years (up from 74 per cent in 2003). It is apparent that business foresee turbulent times ahead.


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