Jóvens americanos fora da economia

Jóvens americanos fora da economia

Number of Young Adults Not in School and Not Working Hits 50 Year High

Nearly 6.5 million U.S. teens and young adults are neither in school nor working, according to a new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
The most recent "Kids Count" report, one of the most widely cited surveys of how youth fare in the United States, found that young people aged 16 to 24 are facing serious barriers to successful careers as youth unemployment has reached its highest level since World War II. Only about half of young people in that age group held jobs in 2011, according to the study, HoffPo reports.


- Mercado De Trabalho
A new study argues cutting unemployment benefits created 1.8 million jobs Just looking at the economy's overall size, you wouldn't think that the last year was much different from any of the others since the recession. The U.S....

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- Dilma - Cada Vez Mais Poderosa
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- O Grande Desafio Para O Brasil: Reforma Da Previdência
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- Onde Mora A Riqueza?
(Reuters) - The United States has 10 times more affluent households than China or India, research shows, undermining arguments the global economy can be sustained by consumption in emerging markets. A survey of affluent households around the world --...

