We Need to Recapitalize the Banks

We Need to Recapitalize the Banks

É o título de um excelente artigo do Edmund Phelps no WSJ que recomendo:
(http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122282719885793047.html) e do qual, para além das dúvidas quanto à eficácia do plano proposto (na linha do que tem vindo a ser dito por Krugman e outros - ver post anterior) e da sugestão de recapitalização dos bancos através de injecção de fundos em troca de warrants. retiro a seguinte frase: «The end of the speculative fever and the credit crunch each have structural effects on the real prices of business assets, real wages, employment and unemployment. As I see it, the former has pushed up the normal, or "natural," volume of structural unemployment. The latter (and the excess houses) is pushing the economy into a temporary slump. It will last as long as required for the banks' self-healing and government therapy to pull us out of it and into the neighborhood of our new, postboom normalcy.»


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