Universidade popular

Universidade popular

University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first tuition-free online university
dedicated to the global advancement and democratization of higher education.

The University embraces the worldwide presence of the Internet and dropping technology costs to bring tuition-free academic programs within reach to millions of people around the world.

With the support of academic leadership from top universities and a student body comprised of students from over 115 countries, UoPeople has become a tuition-free higher education global leader.


- Financiamento Do Ensino Superior
The Financing of Higher Education in Europe (Dezembro de 2004): Volume 11. EU policies and instruments on higher education 2. Trends in funding of higher education in the EU [Portugal = pag. 142] 3. Trends in funding of higher education in some other...

- Ha-joon Chang. 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism
Sumário do novo livro de HA-JOON CHANG. 23 Things They Don’t Tell You about Capitalism. Ver entrevista do autor na Globonews no link abaixo http://globotv.globo.com/globonews/milenio/t/programas/v/economista-sul-coreano-avalia-os-desafios-do-atual-sistema-capitalista/2132771/...

- Bolsas
Now Accepting Fellowship Applications for the 2016 – 2017 Academic Year Mercatus Center Academic & Student Programs is now accepting applications for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. We offer programs for students interested in political economy...

- Universidade Em Crise
'Students need a reality check – university is not school' Students must take responsibility for their own learning, irrespective of how many 'contact hours' they have, argues lecturer Joanna Williams Academics, students...

- Revolução Do Ensino Universitário - Mruniversity
That’s Marginal Revolution University, MRU, or I suppose to some “Mister” University. We think education should be better, cheaper, and easier to access. So we decided to take matters into our own hands and create a new online education platform...

