Financiamento do ensino superior

Financiamento do ensino superior

The Financing of Higher Education in Europe (Dezembro de 2004):
Volume 1
1. EU policies and instruments on higher education
2. Trends in funding of higher education in the EU
[Portugal = pag. 142]
3. Trends in funding of higher education in some other countries
Volume 2
4. Recent policy initiatives in financing higher education in the EU
[Portugal = pag. 30]
5. Recent policy initiatives in financing higher education in some non-EU OECD countries
6. Innovative mechanisms in financing of higher education in the EU Member States
[Portugal = não referido entre os 22 países com mecanismos inovadores]
7. Transferability of innovative funding mechanisms
8. Comparison of funding od higher education in the EU with somo non-EU OECD countries


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