Teoria de jogos sem utilidade

Teoria de jogos sem utilidade

Why study Game theory when it has limited practical applications in real life?

I was just amazed to read this interview of Ariel Rubinstein. Someone who is so famous for his game theory work actually feels it does not really have  much practical usage. He actually encourages people to write a book which shows limitations of game theory! He also talks about why so many Israelis take up game theory (because of Aumann effect) etc.
I was so surprised to read the interview that had to re-read it many times to be sure whether I have not read it wrong ..
He starts by saying much of game theory is based on the typical econ assumption of rationality. So you feel as if he will tell you the new ideas emerging etc in GT. However what you get instead is this:


- A Essência De Microeconomia
Essential Microeconomics is designed to help students deepen their understanding of the core theory of microeconomics. Unlike other texts, this book focuses on the most important ideas and does not attempt to be encyclopedic. Two-thirds of the textbook...

The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2005 "for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis" Robert J. Aumann Thomas C. Schelling...

Nova versão do Gambit! O freeware de teoria dos jogos mais interessante que eu conheço está de versão nova! Confira. Gambit Game Theory Analysis Software and Tools...

Mas você saaaaabe mesmo Finanças? O leitor Alexandre M. Marques, que sempre aparece por aqui com sugestões boas, traz-nos esta: Quantum Game Theory in Finance - Edward W. Piotrowski & Jan S ladkowski Abstract This is a short review of the...

Economia Experimental Olhaí gente, o prof. Aguirre me sugeriu esta notícia, do New York Times (27.02.03). Eu me lembro que a pessoa deve, quando entra na página do NYT, criar um login e password (eu mesmo tive um por muito tempo). De qualquer forma,...

