
Economia Experimental

Olhaí gente, o prof. Aguirre me sugeriu esta notícia, do New York Times (27.02.03). Eu me lembro que a pessoa deve, quando entra na página do NYT, criar um login e password (eu mesmo tive um por muito tempo). De qualquer forma, vou colocar um trecho aqui e você, se quiser, completa o procedimento de cadastro.

Sim, claro que vale a pena!

ECONOMIC SCENE - Looking Inside the Brains of the Stingy


HERE's a game economists play: Player 1 has $10 and can give any dollar amount to Player 2. Player 2 can either accept or reject it. If Player 2 accepts, they both keep the money. If Player 2 rejects it, neither player gets anything.
What should the players do? Arguably, Player 2 should accept whatever is offered, since some money is better than none. Player 1 should thus offer as little as possible: $1. That strategy is the standard game-theory equilibrium.
But that's not necessarily what happens when real people play this "ultimatum game" in laboratory settings with real money on the line. Faced with low-ball offers, many Player 2's reject them. And many Player 1's make more generous offers, often nearly half the money.


Professor A. Aguirre (não confundir com Luís A. Aguirre um parente consideravelmente próximo dele...;-)).


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