Salários brasileiros no setor público
The Economist alerta: como funcionários do setor público e políticos roubam o povo:
Public-sector pay in Brazil
Shaming the unshameable
How the bureaucrats rob the taxpayers
Jun 16th 2012 | SÃO PAULO |
... the fat cats included press officers and a nurse in charge of a drop-in clinic for municipal workers who earns 18,300 reais a month after tax, 12 times the average private-sector wage. Their pay cheques were boosted by annual increments, long-service bonuses and the practice, standard in Brazil’s public sector, of claiming a large pension in your early 50s and staying on the job...
José Sarney, an undistinguished but influential former president, earns 62,000 reais a month...
Brazil, Where a Judge Made $361,500 in a Month, Fumes Over Pay
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — There are many ways of striking it rich in Brazil, but one strategy may come as a particular surprise in today’s economic climate: securing...
Reavaliação Das Perspectivas Econômicas Brasileiros
The Economist analisa:
"... A reassessment of Brazil’s recent performance is overdue. Between 2000 and 2010 Brazil’s terms of trade improved by around 25%; in the past five years private-sector credit doubled. Such tailwinds cannot continue to blow—and...
O Grande Desafio Para O Brasil: Reforma Da Previdência
Uniquely among large economies, Brazil is a young country with the pensions bill of an old one (see chart). It has just ten over-65s for every hundred 15- to 64-year-olds, fewer than anywhere in the G7. And yet it spends 13% of...
Potencial De Crescimento Econômico Do Brasil Em Dúvida
Brazil, Country of the Future No More?Andrés VelascoSANTIAGO – During a visit to Rio de Janeiro last year, US President Barack Obama told a cheering crowd that Brazil is the country of the future no more. “For so long, you were...told to wait for...
Brasil - Uma Economia Estrangulada
Ranking do Brasil no índice da liberdade econômica: No. 99
The state presence in many areas of the economy remains considerable, undercutting development of a more vibrant private sector. The efficiency and overall quality of government services continue...