Salários americanos

Salários americanos

The median pay for an athlete or sports competitor is $39,050
The median annual salary for economists is $93,070, which they’d probably say is more meaningful than their average salary of $101,450.


- Vale Estudar Economia (doutorado)
National Science Foundation data indicate that Ph.D. economists have the lowest unemployment rate (0.9%) of any doctoral field, as well as one of the highest median salaries of any doctoral field. Finally, the vast majority of people are happy with the...

- Cuidado Com Estatísticas
What's causing income stagnation in the U.S.? From Steven Landsburg: Imagine a farmer with a few 100-pound goats and a bunch of 1000-pound cows. His median animal weighs 1000 pounds. A few years later, he’s acquired a whole lot more goats,...

- Mais Desemprego Nos Estados Unidos
More Americans Than Projected Filed Jobless Claims Last Week By Timothy R. Homan More Americans than forecast filed applications for unemployment benefits last week, a sign that the labor market is taking time to improve....

- Crescimento Econômico - Comentário Do Banco Central
-- Brazilian central bank President Henrique Meirelles said he’s “comfortable” with the current pace of economic growth, adding that expansion will slow to a level consistent with long-term equilibrium. Meirelles said gross domestic product will...

- Impactos Macroeconômicos De Impostos E Compras Do Governo
Do último artigo de Robert Barro e Charles Redlick: "For U.S. annual data that include WWII, the estimated multiplier for defense spending is 0.6-0.7 at the median unemployment rate. There is some evidence that this multiplier rises with the extent of...

