Rogers alerta sobre a economia

Rogers alerta sobre a economia

Jim Rogers :  There’s an election in the U.S. But there are 40 elections around the world this year. Something like 40 to 50 percent of the world economy is having elections this year and early next. So you’re going to hear a lot of good news. However, it’s good news; it’s not reality. The reality is that things are getting worse because this good news has come at the expense of taxpayers all over the world with debt going through the roof, and the situation is getting worse. People will notice by 2013 or 2014, maybe sooner, maybe even the fall of 2012, because the market looks ahead, I’m not the only person who knows this is all a scam built on sand; we have problems and they’re going to be worse. In 2002, America had a slowdown. In 2008, the slowdown was worse, because the debt was so much higher. Well, the next slowdown is going to be even worse because the debt is going to be that much higher.


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