Recuperação econômica bloqueada

Recuperação econômica bloqueada

A alta carga da dívida do consumidor bloqueia a recuperação econômica:

May 29 (Bloomberg) -- "... The harsh reality is that the once-mighty U.S. consumer is setting out on a long, debt-reduction marathon that will mute economic recovery in America and among its major trading partners...

The issue with consumers: Their balance sheets are a bloated mess with household debt still unsustainably high at more than 130 percent of income. Getting the ratio down to a more realistic sub-100 percent level -- never mind the 60 percent to 70 percent range seen in the 1960s and 1970s -- involves serious consumption cutbacks. With consumers accounting for about 70 percent of the U.S. economy, this one-time engine of growth may easily become a dead weight..." --


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