O uso da matemática na economia

O uso da matemática na economia

Não muito mais diferente da física:
Feynman once told me, "Whatever you do—you're going to have to do crazy things to think about quantum gravity—but whatever you do, think about nature. If you think about the properties of a mathematical equation, you're doing mathematics and you're not going to get back to nature. Whatever you do, have a question that an experiment could resolve at the front of your thinking." So I always try to do that.


- Ronald Coase (1910-2013)
"Em minha juventude, dizia-se que o que era muito tolo para ser dito poderia ser cantado. Na economia moderna, pode ser expresso em forma matemática." ~ Ronald Coase Coase became a famous economic thinker based on his "Nature of the Firm" (1937) and...

- Ciência Econômica Em Crise
Modern economics is sick Geoffrey M. Hodgson Economics has increasingly become an intellectual game played for its own sake and not for its practical consequences for understanding the economic world. Economists have converted the subject into...

- Matemática
Veja ao lado um dos melhores livros de matemática Features nearly 200 entries, organized thematically and written by an international team of distinguished contributors Presents major ideas and branches of pure mathematics in a clear, accessible style...

- Assim Funciona Uma Bolha Imobiliária - O Caso De Espanha
The Spanish Property Crash – Was This What Was Really Happening?Posted on February 10, 2011 by spainpropertyguideWhat if I told you that you could earn millions without actually ever doing anything for just a smallish investment? What if I told you...

Economia e meio ambiente (para bom estudante, um pouco de esperteza basta) Meus alunos podem aprender um bocado (e discutir muito) com este texto. Claro, não apenas os alunos, mas os leitores deste blog podem gostar da discussão. Trecho: There...

