Ronald Coase (1910-2013)

Ronald Coase (1910-2013)

"Em minha juventude, dizia-se que o que era muito tolo para ser dito poderia ser cantado. Na economia moderna, pode ser expresso em forma matemática." ~ Ronald Coase
Coase became a famous economic thinker based on his "Nature of the Firm" (1937) and "The Problem of Social Cost" (1960).  While many younger readers will associate Coase with the University of Chicago and what they understand the field of Law and Economics to be, Ronald Coase didn't join the staff at the University of Chicago Law School until 1964.  His formative intellectual background was at the London School of Economics in the 1930s, where Hayek loomed as a large intellectual influence (along with Robbins and Arnold Plant).  The ideas behind Coase's examination of the nature of the firm, he told us on numerous ocassions, were born in contemplation of Plants discussion of the socialist calculation controversy and his everyday observations of the organization of business activities during his study trip to the US.  As he began teaching, he had to present a lecture on the firm and these ideas clicked.


- Ronald Coase
Ronald Coase, the Unexpected Economist Pedro Schwartz* "... Even Coase was sometimes heard to say that it had taken him years fully to understand his theorem. This must be so, because towards the end of his life, when he wrote his book on how China...

- Todo Tem Um Limite
"In my youth it was said that what was too silly to be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into mathematics." -Ronald Coase...

- Mais Sobre Coase
Coase on the Economists By Peter G. Klein Wednesday,November21st,2012 Ronald Coase has a short piece in the December 2012 Harvard Business Review, “Saving Economics from the Economists” (thanks to Geoff Manne for the tip). Not bad for a fellow...

- Matemática E Teoria Econômica
"Na minha juventude alguém disse que aquilo muito tolo para ser dito pode virar uma canção. Na Economia moderna, pode ser expressa em termos matemáticos." ~ Ronald Coase...

Coase Vs Olson. Eu tenho uma orientanda, a Roberta, cujo trabalho de conclusão tem como tema a crítica que o Olson fez ao Teorema de Coase. No capítulo 4 do ótimo Power and Prosperity, Olson argumenta que, mesmo na ausência de custos de transação,...

