O que tem a fazer

O que tem a fazer

"I do consider it the task of academic economists, however, to represent the claims of reason, no matter what their short-run effectiveness. Public opinion, which today may in truth hamper a reasonable policy, is not set in stone, and I am afraid that our predecessors, the previous generation of economists, bear some blame for the current state of affairs. If all hope is forlorn, one hope still remains: that we academic teachers, through our influence on the thinking of the next generation, will undo at least in part the great harm inflicted by some of our predecessors." -- F. A. Hayek, 1936


- Bolsas
Now Accepting Fellowship Applications for the 2016 – 2017 Academic Year Mercatus Center Academic & Student Programs is now accepting applications for the 2016 – 2017 academic year. We offer programs for students interested in political economy...

- O Que Está Errada Com A Macroeconomia?
What's Wrong with Macroeconomics?Nick Rowe: John Cochrane, Paul Krugman, and Say's Law, again Brad Delong: In Which Nick Rowe Says John Cochrane Commits "Small But important" Errors... Free Exchange: Which caricature do you prefer? Mario Rizzo:...

- Sobre Keynes E Os Keynesianos
Niall Ferguson: "... It was said of the Bourbons that they forgot nothing and learned nothing. The same could easily be said of some of today’s latter-day Keynesians. They cannot and never will forget the policy errors made in the US in the 1930s. But...

- Por Que Economistas Não Conseguiram Prever A Crise?
As causas frequentemente mencionadas são ideologia errada (free markets), modelos macroeconômicos irrelevantes (DSGE) e corrupção dos economistas acadêmicos que vendem pesquisa para o sistema financeiro. Raghu Rajan não concorda com esta avaliação...

- Entrevista Com Gary Becker
Em entrevista no WSJ, Gary Becker revela ser "basicamente otimista", no que diz respeito à proteção de liberdades individuais. Alguns excertos da entrevista: I begin with the obvious question. "The health-care legislation? It's a bad bill," Mr....

