Sobre Keynes e os Keynesianos

Sobre Keynes e os Keynesianos

Niall Ferguson: "... It was said of the Bourbons that they forgot nothing and learned nothing. The same could easily be said of some of today’s latter-day Keynesians. They cannot and never will forget the policy errors made in the US in the 1930s. But they appear to have learned nothing from all that has happened in economic theory since the publication of their bible, John Maynard Keynes’s The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, in 1936...
Those economists, like New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who liken confidence to an imaginary “fairy” have failed to learn from decades of economic research on expectations. They also seem not to have noticed that the big academic winners of this crisis have been the proponents of behavioural finance, in which the ups and downs of human psychology are the key..."
Fonte: Financial Times


- Ler Os Outros: Keynes And The Moderns - Krugman
É o título da apresentação de Paul Krugman numa conferência em Cambridge, Reino Unido, disponível aqui, um texto que apesar de excessivamente político é estimulantemente provocador e interessante, referindo, por exemplo, que: "inflows of capital...

- Keynes E Hayek (e Wicksell)
Roger Garrison explica: "While standard accounts of the 1930s debates surrounding economic thought pit John Maynard Keynes against Friedrich von Hayek in a clash of ideology, this reflexive dichotomy is in many respects superficial. It is the argument...

- Se Precisa Nova Teoria Econômica
Edmund Phelps, director of the Center on Capitalism and Society, Columbia University, who won the 2006 Nobel Prize for economics, writes: "What theory can we use to get us out of the impending slump quickly and reliably? To use the “new classical”...

- Economics One
É o novo blog do John Taylor. A respeito da controvérsia sobre a "falência da teoria macroeconômica", iniciada pelo Paul Krugman, Taylor comenta: "In my view, the financial crisis does not provide any evidence of a failure of modern economics. Rather...

Keynes e a Lei de SayHá uma crença generalizada entre os economistas de que John Maynard Keynes teria refutado a Lei de Say (ou lei dos mercados) em sua derradeira obra General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money de 1936, em que a partir daí,...

