O papel de matemática na economia

O papel de matemática na economia


- A "ciencia Econômica" é Uma Ciência?
What Is Economics Good For? By ALEX ROSENBERG and TYLER CURTAIN It’s easy to understand why economics might be mistaken for science. It uses quantitative expression in mathematics and the succinct statement of its theories in axioms and derived “theorems,”...

- Teoria Econômica Sob Investigação
Recovering Austrian Economics January 19, 2012 By W. Winston Elliott III 23 Comments by Harry Veryser An economist is someone who sees something happen in practice and wonders if it would work in theory. —Ronald Reagan Does economics...

- O Futuro Da Ciência Econômica
Empirics and Psychology: Eight of the World’s Top Young Economists Discuss Where Their Field Is Going Ali Wyne on July 25, 2012, 5:47 PM New World Order The past few years have been tough on economics and economists. In a searing indictment...

- Cultura E Economia E A Cultura Das Ciências Econômicas
Culture in Economics and the Culture of Economics: Raquel Fernández in Conversation with The StraddlerOn October 17, 2011, The Straddler met with Raquel Fernández at her office at NYU, where she is Professor of Economics. Fernández has been a leader...

- Economia Austríaca: Um Ótimo Livro De Peter Boettke
Quem recomenda é Tyler Cowen. Aqui vão alguns excertos da resenha feita por Jeffrey Tucker: "“Economics puts parameters on people’s utopias.” Yes. That’s exactly it. That’s why the politicians hate  economics. That’s why the media are...

