O Manifesto de Neuroeconomia e Econofísica

O Manifesto de Neuroeconomia e Econofísica

Trata-se do argumento de uma nova heterodoxia, com boas chances de se tornar o mainstream da teoria econômica no futuro. Cortesia do Sérgio da Silva, da UFSC:

"An incipient distinction between micro and macroeconomics was already present
in classical times, and there is no reason to pursue a unified economics today. Rather,
for the first time ever, we now have the means for economics to become a booming
science similar to what biology is today. This may become a reality if economists
eventually (1) embrace the old distinction between micro and macro, (2) contribute to
providing foundations for preferences in neuroscience, and (3) open their minds to
rationalizations of aggregate economic phenomena by non-equilibrium statistical


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