Novo libro sobre a Grande Depressão

Novo libro sobre a Grande Depressão

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal. By Robert P. Murphy. Regnery, 2009. 199 pages. Robert Murphy demonstrates in this excellent book a penetrating ability to explain the essence of fallacious economic doctrines. As he notes, three theories offer competing explanations of the Great Depression: the Keynesian account, which stresses a lack of aggregate demand; Milton Friedman's monetarism, which ascribes the severity of the early years of the Depression to a drastic cut in the money supply by the Fed; and, of course, the Austrian theory that Murphy himself favors... Leia mais:


- Os Três Grandes Mitos Sobre A Grande Depressão
Historian Stephen Davies names three persistent myths about the Great Depression. Myth #1: Herbert Hoover was a laissez-faire president, and it was his lack of action that lead to an economic collapse. Davies argues that in fact, Hoover was a very interventionist...

- Como Explicar A Grande Depressão
'Real’ Reinforcement for Austrian Arguments Mises Daily:Monday, May 13, 2013 by John P. Cochran In a recent article, “The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited,”work by Cole and Ohanian was highlighted because it comes to conclusions similar...

- Como A Política Econômica De Roosevelt Prolongou A Grande Depressão
President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal," has long been credited with rescuing the nation from the Great Depression of the 1930's. Lee Ohanian, Professor of Economics at UCLA, challenges this conventional wisdom in a provocative examination...

- A Nova Forma De Estudar - Economia Online
Principles of Economics Econ101 — with Robert Murphy COST: $250 LENGTH: TEN WEEKS DATES: SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 - NOVEMBER 19, 2010 Robert Murphy will teach Principles of Economics in the Fall of 2010 , an online class for all ages that will use his...

- Grande Depressão
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, presidente dos Estados Unidos 1933-1945 "... didn’t know what to do about the Great Depression he inherited from Herbert Hoover, so he tried everything. He hiked taxes, spent more money, established monopolies, enforced cartels,...

