A nova forma de estudar - economia online

A nova forma de estudar - economia online

Principles of Economics
Econ101 — with Robert Murphy
COST: $250
DATES: SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 - NOVEMBER 19, 2010
Robert Murphy will teach Principles of Economics in the Fall of 2010 , an online class for all ages that will use his forthcoming book Lessons for the Young Economist. (Professor Murphy discusses his plans for the course in the above video and in his article Learn Principles of Economics Online.) The class will run from September 8 until November 19, ten weeks of fantastic economics instruction from the ground up. His book, which is sure to become a standard text in the future, will be debuted in this class. Enrollment in the class is $250 and covers all materials, weekly lectures, office hours, quizzes, grading, and final exam. The class is designed for high school students, but it is the ideal class for gaining a solid foundation in economic science. The focus is on the Austrian understanding. The knowledge gained will establish a rock-solid basis for all future studies in economics. The goal is to present economics in the same way that it was given to Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard early in their schooling, a paradigm to inspire a lifetime of understanding and scholarship.No prior exposure to economic logic is required. Students may opt out of quizzes, tests, and grading.
He will cover: Thinking Like an Economist, How We Develop Economic Principles, Economic Concepts Implied by Action, "Robinson Crusoe" Economics, The Institution of Private Property, Direct Exchange & Barter Prices, Indirect Exchange and the Appearance of Money, The Division of Labor & Specialization, Entrepreneurship & Competition, Income, Saving, and Investment, Supply & Demand, Interest, Credit, and Debt, Profit & Loss Accounting, The Stock Market, The Failures of Socialism—Theory and History.

The weekly live video-broadcast lectures will be Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9:00pm EDT. Professor Murphy will lecture for 1 hour, and then take questions for 30 minutes.
Also every week Professor Murphy will hold “office hours” (extended question-and-answer sessions) which will be every Saturday from 11am – 2pm EDT, with a 15-minute intermission. Office Hour attendance is NOT required, and students may drop in and out as they please.
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