Neural connections

Neural connections

"Neural connections of the posteromedial cortex in the macaque", artigo de de Josef Parvizi, Gary W. Van Hoesen, Joseph Buckwalter e António Damásio
publicado nos Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
de 31 de Janeiro de 2006:
«To understand the neural relationship of the posteromedial cortex (PMC) with the rest of the brain, we injected its component areas with four different anterograde and retrograde tracers in the cynomolgus monkey and found that all temporo-parieto-occipital areas (PMC) are interconnected with each other and with the anterior cingulate, the mid-dorsolateral prefrontal, the lateral parietal cortices, and area TPO, as well as the thalamus, where projections from some of the PMC areas traverse in an uninterrupted bar-like manner, the dorsum of this structure from the posteriormost nuclei to its rostralmost tip.»


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