Moody's ameça rebaixar a nota do Brasil. E 2015 ainda nem acabou...

Moody's ameça rebaixar a nota do Brasil. E 2015 ainda nem acabou...

New York, December 09, 2015.

Moody's Investors Service has placed Brazil's Baa3 issuer and bond ratings on review for downgrade. The review for downgrade is driven by i) rapidly and materially deteriorating macroeconomic and fiscal trends and diminished likelihood of trend reversal in the next 2-3 years; and ii) worsening governability conditions and increased risk of policy paralysis. During the review, Moody's will assess the likelihood of further deterioration in the government's fiscal position against the agency's baseline assumptions supporting the current Baa3 rating, and the prospect of a faster and more significant rise in the government's debt trajectory, in the context of heightened political uncertainty, declining investor confidence and deeper than expected recession.


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