Ler os Outros: Don't blame Moody's for a messy euro crisis - Wolfgang Munchau

Ler os Outros: Don't blame Moody's for a messy euro crisis - Wolfgang Munchau

"You can always gauge the temperature of the eurozone crisis by the blame game, writes the FT commentator. Last week, the cacophony briefly subsided when everybody who mattered accused the rating agencies of engaging in an anti-European conspiracy. This was the day after Moody’s downgraded Portugal to junk. The fury of the reaction tells me that the process is in real trouble, once again. The most interesting aspect of Moody’s rating was not the downgrade itself, but the reasoning. Moody’s expects that Portugal, like Greece, will need another loan. Moody’s also expects that the politics will be just as messy. Will not the Germans again seek private-sector participation as a condition? Of course they will. Moody’s concluded, rightly in my view, that the messy European Union politics constitutes a reason for concern. Having observed this crisis from the start, I agree. This is as much a crisis of policy co-ordination as it is a debt crisis."

PS: Não perder o artigo de Martin Wolf no Diário Económico.


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