Macro I - estoques: produção sem vendas

Macro I - estoques: produção sem vendas

"LONG BEACH, California (Reuters) – From pricey luxury sedans to popular hybrid cars, automobiles made overseas are stacking up at ports and parking lots around the United States as supplies far outstrip demand amid the nation's worst auto market in more than 25 years. At the Long Beach port near Los Angeles, Toyota Motor Corp vehicles including Prius hybrids, FJ Cruiser sport utility vehicles and Lexus IS 250 luxury sedans are being stored on a vast construction site that will one day be a new container terminal..." Tarefa: Como este fenomeno se pode modelar na cruz keynesiana?


- O Legado Da Copa
Brazil's World Cup Legacy Includes $550M Stadium-Turned-Parking Lot It has been almost a year since the World Cup in Brazil. The party is long over, but the country is still dealing with the hangover — in the form of "white elephant" stadiums...

- A Lei De Say Na Versão De James Mill
"When goods are carried to market what is wanted is somebody to buy. But to buy, one must have the wherewithal to pay. It is obviously therefore the collective means of payment which exist in the whole nation constitute the entire market of the nation....

- Desemprego De Longa Duração
Long-term unemployment can lead to marginalisation from the labour market through depreciation of skills and a loss of motivation, says the OECD, a think-tank of mainly rich countries. Although total joblessness began to decline in 2010, long-term unemployment...

- Economia Internacional: Novos Aspectos
The Economist: "... Kei-Mu Yi, an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, argues that trade has fallen so fast and so uniformly around the world largely because of the rise of “vertical specialisation”, or global supply chains. This...

- Entender A Origem Da Crise Financeira
"... Securitization is a shadow banking system that funds most of the world's credit cards, car purchases, leveraged buyouts and, for a while, subprime mortgages. The system, which pools loans and slices up the risk of default, made borrowing cheaper...

