Desemprego de longa duração

Desemprego de longa duração

Long-term unemployment can lead to marginalisation from the labour market through depreciation of skills and a loss of motivation, says the OECD, a think-tank of mainly rich countries. Although total joblessness began to decline in 2010, long-term unemployment continues to rise. The long-term unemployed are more likely to be men with average skill levels, especially so in the United States, which had the largest increase in long-term unemployed in the OECD. In Spain, which also experienced a big increase, people with low skills account for more than half of the long-term unemployed. By contrast, both Germany and Poland have decreased long-term unemployment since the financial crisis.


- "quantitative Easing"
Bernanke’s Fed, constrained by a key interest rate near zero and bound by a Congressional mandate to reduce unemployment, yesterday said it would buy $600 billion in Treasury securities through next June in a bid to further reduce long-term borrowing...

- Taxa De Desemprego Estados Unidos
Taxa de desemprego dos Estados Unidos 1994-2009 seguinte três diferentes tipos de medidas. Vermelho: estatística oficial; gris: ampliada; azul: a estatística calculada com a metodologia antiga. Quem conta como "desempregado"? Quem incluir ou excluir?...

- Chega De Maluquice!
Esta é a mensagem central do artigo de John Taylor no WSJ: "It's been three years since the financial crisis flared up and the recession began. Yet the unemployment rate is still over 9%—double what it was before the recession—and it's...

- Como Fazer Alguém Parar De Trabalhar
É só subsidiá-lo(a) para não trabalhar. O Congresso Americano, desejoso de estender mais uma vez benefícios de desemprego, bem que poderia ler Larry Summers, que escreveu: "The second way government assistance programs contribute to long-term unemployment...

Marginal Tax Rate (Alíquota de imposto marginal) Quer uma tabela comparando países? Lá tem. Trecho: More and more, theoretical and factual research on the sources of both long-term economic growth and short-term disturbances (recessions) has...

