PROGNOSTICATORS have a bad record when it comes to new technologies. Safety razors were supposed to produce a clean-shaven future. Cars were expected to take off and fly. Automation was meant to deliver a life of leisure. Yet beards flourish, cars remain earthbound and work yaps at our heels.
The internet is no exception. Anyone looking for mis-prognostications about it will find an embarrassment of riches. The internet was supposed to destroy big companies; now big companies rule the internet. It was supposed to give everyone a cloak of anonymity: “On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog.” Now Google and its like are surveillance machines that know not only that you’re a dog but whether you have fleas and which brand of meaty chunks you prefer. We can now add two more entries to the list of unreliable forecasts about the internet: that it would make location irrelevant and eliminate middlemen.
Academics have discovered that distance is surprisingly undead in the virtual world.
CIA World Fact Book Elections - (World) Embassy World Exploring Living Abroad Fielding's DangerFinder Google Earth Google Maps Google Regional Web Directory INCORE: Conflict Data Service International Database Internet Archive Lonely Planet Online...
Taking care of business
Data on doing business from the World Bank illustrates the rise of the business-friendly autocracy
THE International Finance Corporation and the World Bank have been compiling rankings of the ease of doing business in countries...
Impactos economicos dos crimes virtuais sobre o mundo real
PF diz que 80% dos hackers estão no Brasil
De cada 10 hackers ativos no mundo, oito vivem no Brasil. Além disso, cerca de 2/3 dos responsáveis pela criação de páginas de pedofilia na...
Isso sim, saber usar o conjunto de informações e ter um comportamento forward looking!
Muitas vezes eu penso no que meu irmão faz quando não está trabalhando. Eu sei que ele navega pela internet. Agora, como ele acha estas notícias...
Finalmente eu encontrei um professor lá da faculdade com site na internet, é o André Guirardi, que por sinal esta afastado da faculdade pra ser assesor do Gabrielli na Petrobras. Eu fico impressionado como esse povo não usa a internet....