Liberdade econômica e corrupção

Liberdade econômica e corrupção

Taking care of business

Data on doing business from the World Bank illustrates the rise of the business-friendly autocracy
THE International Finance Corporation and the World Bank have been compiling rankings of the ease of doing business in countries around the world since 2003. A key component of the measure involves the setting up of a fantasy company in each jurisdiction and working out how long it takes to become incorporated, pay taxes and so on. Business conditions have improved almost everywhere in the past few years. Plotting numbers from the latest "Doing Business" report, published on October 23rd, against Transparency International's corruption perceptions index, it seems clear that corrupt public officials make it harder for companies to operate. But a second, more surprising, finding concerns the improvement in business conditions since 2005 of several regimes that look to clean, efficient, nanny-state Singapore (ranked first) as a model rather than to America or Europe. Behold the rise of the business-friendly autocracy.


- O Pesadelo De Fazer Negócios No Brasil
Classificação do Banco Mundial da facilidade de fazer negócios nos diferentes países.  O Brazil tem a posição 130 dos países investigados!  Economy Rankings Doing Business Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business,...

- Brasil - País De Lombadas
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- Facilidade De Fazer Negócios No Brasil
No ranking "doing business" do Banco Mundial, o Brasil ocupa o lugar 127 entre os 183 países investigados em termos de facilidade de fazer negócios. Ease of Doing Business in BrazilThis page shows summary Doing Business 2011 data for Brazil. The...

- Inovação E Crescimento Econômico Nos Países Emergentes
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