Lições da hiperinflação alemã
Submitted by Erico Matias Tavares of Sinclair & Co.
Lessons from the German Hyperinflation of the 1920s
The German hyperinflation episode in the early 1920s is often quoted as an example of the dire consequences of excessive money printing – a leading industrial economy succumbing to the dangers of currency debasement promoted by incompetent central bankers.
Alas, the reality is more complex than that, particularly when certain geopolitical and economic constraints of that time are taken into consideration. And as we shall see, we can draw some important lessons from that episode that can help us gauge the effectiveness of our very own currency debasement in the 21st century.
Politica Monetária No Caminho Da Revoluçã Francesa
The sequence of events leading up the French Revolution are likely unfamiliar to most. Yet
money printing and a debauched French currency played no small part in those events. As a
sequel to “Shorting the Federal Reserve”, 720 Global aims to provide...
Keynes E Os Neo-keynesianos
What Keynes Would Think of ‘Neo-Keynesians’
Unlike his acolytes, he understood the value of gold and the dangers of currency debasement.
Richard Hurowitz
Sept. 20, 2015 6:37 p.m. ET
"The lifeblood of our economy, indeed the whole world's economy, is based on money. Without a currency that can be trusted, the entire structure of economics, the division of labor itself, falls apart. Our wealth, our well being and our very lives...
"socialismo" De Ludwig Von Mises
The Significance of Mises’s Socialism
Peter J. Boettke·September 20, 2012
THAT LUDWIG VON MISES was one of the greatest economists of the 20th century should never be doubted. Mises never worked in scientific or popular obscurity despite...
Fim Da Política De Metas De Inflação
Inflation Targeting Hits the Wall
Antony P. Mueller
Although the financial market crisis is not over but has grown into a vicious sovereign debt crisis, monetary authorities of the major economies continue to practice the same sort of policy...