

"The lifeblood of our economy, indeed the whole world's economy, is based on money. Without a currency that can be trusted, the entire structure of economics, the division of labor itself, falls apart. Our wealth, our well being and our very lives are dependent on the continuation of this highly complex structure called the economy and it in turn is dependent on sound money. We have placed our trust for the management of this money on a gang of thieves called the Federal Reserve. They have now clearly demonstrated their inability to restrain themselves from the excesses that can be perpetrated within a paper money system. If we want to survive as a nation, we need to eliminate both the Federal Reserve and paper money." -- Lou Poumakis, "Economic Disaster, its Cause and Cure"(8 March 2009)


- Anais Da Idiocracia: Bancos Centrais Assassinos!
Olha essa pérola, de um tal Subhendu Das da Califórnia: Central Bank – the Root Cause of Poverty, Tax, and Deficit (link) In each country the central bank is a privately owned bank with no transparency and accountability to the government of that...

- Quantitative Easing
Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao said the U.S. Federal Reserve’s decision to pump $600 billion into the economy might “shock” emerging markets by flooding them with capital. The first round of quantitative easing, as the Fed policy is...

- Tempos Modernos
“The damage and suffering caused by inflation during the course of history are enormous. Still, the worst excesses of inflation occurred only in the 20th century. This development was a consequence of the further technical development of money from...

- A Origem Monetária Da Crise
Michael S. Rozeff explica: "The world economy is experiencing a severe recession or depression. This has been preceded by a steep inflation in nominal stocks of money across the entire world. Central banks control these money stocks or money supplies....

Um outro sistema monetário é possível? (II) Ainda na linha de discussão de um post aí embaixo.... Nevada vs. the Federal Reserve? Posted April 4, 2003 By Kelly Patricia O Meara As Insight reports this week, there currently are 60 different...

