
Nem sempre ter o discurso de Ayn Rand significa ser pró-mercado na prática

O comentário, do site da FEE ( é:

Bush Picks Business-Friendly SEC Chairman
“President Bush, hearing complaints about Mr. Donaldson's [SEC] record from across the business spectrum, responded on Thursday by nominating Representative Christopher Cox, a conservative Republican from California, as a successor whose loyalties seem clear. …Mr. Cox—a devoted student of Ayn Rand, the high priestess of unfettered capitalism—has a long record in the House of promoting the agenda of business interests that are a cornerstone of the Republican Party's political and financial support.” (Washington Post, Friday)

Pro-business is not the same as pro-market.

E a notícia no TNYTimes (um breve registro é necessário) dá a entender que o discurso e a prática são os mesmos. Bem, o TNYTimes não é mais o mesmo, a gente sabe, mas é uma fonte que a elite brasileira (inexplicavelmente?) lê.

Bush S.E.C. Pick Is Seen as Friend to Corporations - New York Times

Amigo das corporações, mas não necessariamente dos mercados....


- Um Nobel Na Casa Branca
Esta notícia eu li no blog Freakonomics, porém estou postando a matéria que saiu no blog da Economist. E a foto consegui diretamente no site da White House. Depois de oito anos sendo duramente criticado por Paul Krugman, como Bush consegue rir numa...

- Eua Em Bancarotta
Is It Time to Bail Out of the US? By Paul Craig Roberts January 28, 2009 "Information Clearinghouse" -- "California State Controller John Chiang announced on January 26 that California’s bills exceed its tax revenues and credit line and that the...

- Crise Financeira Entra Fase Do Colapso
Gingrich: Economy headed 'off a cliff' Says Obama response is 'more of the same' Jon Ward (Contact) Monday, February 2, 2009 Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Monday morning painted a dire picture of the U.S. economy, saying that...

- Crise Financeira - A Estrada Do Ruim
Busca onde ficou o dinheiro com a ajuda de este site interativo:

Republicanos = Democratas? Republicanos nunca foram libertários. Menos ainda em 2003... Trechos: "The Republican Party has changed too, for the worse; it is becoming the party of big government. With the GOP in full control of the White House and...

