História dos cíclos econômicos

História dos cíclos econômicos

Steve Davies: A History of Economic Booms and Busts
When an economy falls into a recession, we typically observe a cluster of people making similar investment mistakes.  According to historian Stephen Davies, these investment errors occur because governments or central banks manipulate the supply of money. These manipulations place artificial downward pleasure on interest rates, creating false signals that entice individuals to invest in what end up being unprofitable ventures. Booms and busts are not a new phenomenon of this century, but rather, have occurred throughout history both in America and around the globe.


- História Dos Calotes Argentinos
Argentina’s Long History of Economic Booms and Busts By Shane Roming BUENOS AIRES –Argentina has defaulted on its external debt seven times and on its domestic debt five times since independence...

- Os Três Grandes Mitos Sobre A Grande Depressão
Historian Stephen Davies names three persistent myths about the Great Depression. Myth #1: Herbert Hoover was a laissez-faire president, and it was his lack of action that lead to an economic collapse. Davies argues that in fact, Hoover was a very interventionist...

- Bancos E O Ciclo De Negócios
BOOM AND BUST BANKING The Causes and Cures of the Great Recession Edited by David Beckworth Congress created the Federal Reserve System in 1913 to tame the business cycle once and for all. Optimists believed central banking would moderate booms, soften...

- Brasil - País De Futuro - De Novo?
March 8, 2012   Brazil: The Country of the Future, Again? Growth is down in Latin America’s largest economy and nervous, shell shocked Brazilians are crossing their fingers that their economy isn’t still stuck in its historic...

THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2009 UP AND DOWN WALL STREET DAILY Ignoring the Austrians Got Us in This Mess By RANDALL W. FORSYTH "...What definitely is ignored in academe is the Austrian school of economics, especially for baby boomers brought up on Samuelson's...

