Fraquesa dos bancos Americanos continua

Fraquesa dos bancos Americanos continua

The Economist:
"Far from improving, the funding profile of the Western banking system has been getting even sicker this year. Banks have been raising equity and long-term debt and gathering deposits, but in the grand scheme of things their efforts have made little difference. For America’s top eight commercial banks such higher-quality forms of funding have risen only slightly, from 78% to 80% of the total in the past six months. America’s two surviving investment banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, still depend on shorter-term borrowing, usually secured with collateral (see chart). This is fairly reliable but, as Bear Stearns showed, in a market meltdown it can dry up without central-bank support. In Britain, Lloyds Banking Group, a leading wholesale-funds junkie, still has half of its total funding maturing in under a year..."  Leia mais


- E Se "salvar" Os Bancos Não For Suficiente ?
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- Expansão
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- "quantitative Easing"
Bernanke’s Fed, constrained by a key interest rate near zero and bound by a Congressional mandate to reduce unemployment, yesterday said it would buy $600 billion in Treasury securities through next June in a bid to further reduce long-term borrowing...

- Modelo Errado
Financial meltdown blamed on risk models Web posted at: 2/14/2009 9:20:18 Source ::: FINANCIAL TIMES By Norma Cohen The failure of banks to count, manage and hedge their risks over the past decade is responsible both for the fantastic growth before...

