Entrevista atual em áudio sobre o Brasil

Entrevista atual em áudio sobre o Brasil

As the Brazilian economy has cooled off and public discontent is mounting, recent economic policy in Brazil is coming under increasing scrutiny. In today’s episode we get to the bottom of what’s really going on — plus the “less Marx, more Mises” protests!

About the Guest

Antony Mueller is a professor of economics at the University of Sergipe.


- Crescimento Econômico Do Brasil
ENTREVISTA 66 – ANTONY MUELLER Num artigo publicado recentemente pelo site do IMB o professor Antony Mueller explicou sob a perspectiva da Escola Austríaca por qual razão o Brasil não cresce mais e afirmou que uma análise “uma análise...

- Brasil - Vítima Do Keynesianismo Vulgar
Novo texto do Antony Mueller Brazil: Victim of Vulgar Keynesianism by Antony P. Mueller "... in early 2015, disillusion has fully set in. People feel cheated by the false optimism of the government. The corruption scandal of the Brazilian oil company...

- Entrevista
notícias No Confronto, Macalossi entrevista o Professor Antony Mueller 18 março No Confronto desta terça feira, Guilherme Macalossi entrevistou o economista Antony Mueller. Professor Mueller é doutor pela Universidade...

- Metodologia Econômica
Towards a New Macroeconomics. From ISLM-AS and DSGE to GSMS and GSMS-SS Antony P Mueller, Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) - Universidade Federal de Sergipe PHILOSOPHY & METHODOLOGY OF ECONOMICS eJOURNAL Sponsored by International Netwo...rk...

- Economia Brasileira
The Rio Times Brazil Industry Continues in Slide July 10, 2012 | by Lucy Jordan "... Antony Mueller, a professor of economics at the Federal University of Sergipe, said by email Friday that sluggish industrial activity was a symptom of more serious...

