Economistas Abandonaram Seus Princípios

Economistas Abandonaram Seus Princípios

É o que dizem Oliver Hart e Luigi Zingales, no WSJ. Para lidar com a crise financeira-econômica, os princípios que devem voltar à cena são: intervir apenas no caso de falha de mercado facilmente identificada e fazê-lo com o menor custo possível ao contribuinte:

"Practically every day the government launches a massively expensive new initiative to solve the problems that the last day's initiative did not. It is hard to discern any principles behind these actions. The lack of a coherent strategy has increased uncertainty and undermined the public's perception of the government's competence and trustworthiness.

The Obama administration, with its highly able team of economists, has a golden opportunity to put the country on a better path. We believe that the way forward is for the government to adopt two key principles. The first is that it should intervene only when there is a clearly identified market failure. The second is that government intervention should be carried out at minimum cost to taxpayers."


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