Debate macroeconômica

Debate macroeconômica

The Columbia Law Workers' Rights Student Coalition, Federalist Society Chapter, and Libertarian Society Proudly Present:

Modern Monetary Theory
the austrian school

macroeconomic debates among the heterodoxy

Part of the 2012-2013 Modern Money and Public Purpose Series on Contemporary Issues in Law and Political Economics, organized by the Workers' Rights Student Coalition


- Modern Monetary Theory
Soft Currency Economics II: The Origin of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT - Modern Monetary Theory) (Volume 1) [Paperback] Mr. Warren Mosler (Author)   Soft Currency Economics is the little book that could...

- Fim Da Festa
George Osborne: UK has run out of moneyThe Government 'has run out of money' and cannot afford debt-fuelled tax cuts or extra spending, George Osborne has admitted.In a stark warning ahead of next month’s Budget, the Chancellor said there was...

- As Contribuições De Milton Friedman à Economia
Conforme vistos por Ben Bernanke, Robert Hetzel, David Laidler  e Thomas Sargent. A importância do trabalho de Milton Friedman é bem colocada neste texto de Ben Bernanke: "In preparing this talk, I encountered the following problem. Friedman’s...

Property, Freedom, Society: essays in honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe O Mises Institute acaba de lançar um livro em homenagem à Hans-Hermann Hoppe, um dos mais importantes autores austríacos e, a meu ver, o mais genial pensador libertário em atividade....

Faleceu Michio Morishima The Econometric Society announces with sadness the death of its former president Michio Morishima (1923-2004). Professor Morsihima principal economic interests were in general equilibrium theory, the history of economic...

