
Property, Freedom, Society: essays in honor of Hans-Hermann Hoppe

O Mises Institute acaba de lançar um livro em homenagem à Hans-Hermann Hoppe, um dos mais importantes autores austríacos e, a meu ver, o mais genial pensador libertário em atividade. Abaixo segue o sumário e aqui a apresentação da obra feita por Jörg Guido Hülsmann.

Introduction - Jörg Guido Hülsmann and Stephan Kinsella

1. A Life of Ideas - Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
2. Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Political Equivalent of Nuclear Fusion - Sean Gabb
3. The Power of Argument in a Crazy World - Remigijus Šimašius
4. Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the Libertarian Right - Paul Gottfried
5. Marxism Without Polylogism - Jeffrey A. Tucker
6. A Knight of Anarcho-Capitalism - Yuri N. Maltsev
7. Helping Future Generations of Scholars - Edward Stringham
8. A "Loveable Son of a Gun" - Roland Baader
9. Appreciation and Gratitude - John V. Denson
10. A Student's Appreciation of Professor Hoppe - Jeffrey Barr
11. The Vegas Circle - Lee Iglody

1. Uncompromising Radicalism as a Promising Strategy - Philipp Bagus
2. Abraham Lincoln and the Modern State - Luigo Marco Bassani
3. The Sociology of the Development of Austrian Economics - Joseph T. Salerno
4. Business Ethics: In the Crossfire Between a Code of Conduct and Black Sheep - Eugen-Maria Schulak
5. Against Standard Law & Economics: Austrians and Legal Philosophers on Board - Martin Fronek and Joseph Šíma

1. Toward a Libertarian Theory of Guilt and Punishment for the Crime of Statism - Walter Block
2. A Note on Intellectual Property and Externalities - Hardy Bouillon
3. Classical Liberalism versus Anarcho-Capitalism - Jesús Huerta de Soto
4. What Libertarianism Is - Stephan Kinsella
5. Classical Natural Law and Libertarian Theory - Carlo Lottieri
6. Why We Have Rights - Christian Michel
7. Freedom and Property: Where They Conflict - Frank van Dun

1. The Trouble With Democracy: Maslow Meets Hoppe - Doug French
2. An Epistemic Justification of Democracy? - David Gordon
3. Democracy and Faits Accomplis - Robert Higgs
4. Against the Primacy of Politics--Against the Overestimation of the Majority Principle - Robert Nef

1. Hoppean Political Economy versus Public Choice - Thomas J. DiLorenzo
2. Securitization and Fractional Reserve Banking - Nikolay Gertchev
3. Hoppe in One Lesson, Illustrated in Welfare Economics - Jeffrey M. Herbener
4. The Demand for Money and the Time-Structure of Production - Jörg Guido Hülsmann
5. Risk, Uncertainty, and Economic Organization - Peter G. Klein
6. The Nature of Socialism - Mateusz Machaj
7. A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Mark Thornton
8. TPR, Entrepreneurial Component, and Corporate Governance - James Yohe and Scott Kjar
Book with 424 page in paperback, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-933550-52-7.


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