

Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Cia. Siderurgica Nacional, Brazil's third-biggest steelmaker, may post its first loss in six years after bets on its own stock soured last quarter. CSN, as the steelmaker is known, may say this week it had a third-quarter loss of 414 million reais ($192 million), compared with a profit of 699.2 million reais a year earlier... The Rio de Janeiro-based steelmaker held 1.98 billion reais of so-called total-return equity swaps tied to its American depositary receipts as of June 30, according to a company filing. CSN's bets that its ADRs would extend a five-year rally turned bad last quarter after commodity prices fell, sending the equities down 52 percent... CSN also took a hit after the Brazilian real plunged 16 percent in the quarter, boosting the size of its dollar- denominated debt in local-currency terms. The increased debt, coupled with expenses related to the bad stock bets, may lead to financial costs of 1.6 billion reais..." http://bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=aLHsN.G887R8&refer=news


- China Perto De $ 2 Trilhões Em Reservas
BEIJING (AP) -- China's central bank said Saturday that its foreign exchange reserves rose 16 percent year-on-year to $1.9537 trillion by the end of March. China's reserves, already the world's largest, increased by $7.7 billion in the first...

- Empobrecimento
Familias americanas perdem trilhões em riqueza: WASHINGTON (AP) -- The net worth of American households fell by the largest amount in more than a half-century of record keeping during the fourth quarter of last year, reflecting the blow families are...

- A Queda Do Citigroup
-- March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup Inc. dropped below $1 in New York trading for the first time, the latest sign that stock investors are losing confidence in a company that was once the world’s biggest bank by market value. The stock fell to 99 cents...

- Economia Monetária

- Política Monetária
Oct. 9 (Bloomberg) -- Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of beef, sugar and coffee, may ease bank reserve requirements for a fourth time in two weeks to free up lending for farmers, Agriculture Minister Reinhold Stephanes said. Brazilian banks need...

