A queda do Citigroup

A queda do Citigroup

-- March 5 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup Inc. dropped below $1 in New York trading for the first time, the latest sign that stock investors are losing confidence in a company that was once the world’s biggest bank by market value. The stock fell to 99 cents at 11:22 a.m. on the New York Stock Exchange, marking an 85 percent decline this year and giving the company a market value of $5.5 billion. At its peak in late 2006, Citigroup stock was worth $55.70, giving the company a market value of $277.2 billion. Citigroup has reported more than $37.5 billion in net losses during the last five quarters and the U.S. government has provided the company with $45 billion. Last week, the government agreed to convert the preferred stock it owned in Citigroup to common shares, gaining a 36 percent stake in the company and boosting its buffer against future losses..." http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aKLJO8S5nFaU&refer=home


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Bovespa Plunge Flashes Warning Sign Brazilian Shares May Continue Tumbling By Leon LazaroffBrazil’s benchmark stock index, the biggest decliner among the world’s 20 largest markets yesterday, is the most oversold since just after September...

- Riqueza Americana
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Americans saw $1.3 trillion of wealth vaporize in the first quarter of 2009, as the stock market and home values continued to decline, according to a government report released Thursday.Household net worth fell to $50.4 trillion,...

- Petrobras
"...Petrobras is already the biggest company in Brazil, with a market value of more than $240 billion, and it is the government's largest single taxpayer. It employs some 52,000 workers, but the new oil find has kindled optimism that new jobs and...

- Petrobras
Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Petroleo Brasileiro SA, the investor darling among the world's largest oil companies in the first half of the year, has become the biggest loser. Petrobras, as Brazil's state-controlled oil producer is known, is the worst...

- Votando Dinheiro Por Fora

