Como sair da depressão

Como sair da depressão

“It should be clear that any governmental interference with the depression process can only prolong it, thus making things worse from almost everyone’s point of view. Since the depression process is the recovery process, any halting or slowing down of the process impedes the advent of recovery. The depression readjustments must work themselves out before recovery can be complete. The more these readjustments are delayed, the longer the depression will have to last, and the longer complete recovery is postponed.”
–Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State with Power and Market


- O Crash De 1929
Reliving the Crash of '29 By Murray N. Rothbard [First published in Inquiry, November 12, 1979.] A half-century ago, America — and then the world — was rocked by a mighty stock-market crash that soon turned into the steepest and...

- Os Três Grandes Mitos Sobre A Grande Depressão
Historian Stephen Davies names three persistent myths about the Great Depression. Myth #1: Herbert Hoover was a laissez-faire president, and it was his lack of action that lead to an economic collapse. Davies argues that in fact, Hoover was a very interventionist...

- Como Explicar A Grande Depressão
'Real’ Reinforcement for Austrian Arguments Mises Daily:Monday, May 13, 2013 by John P. Cochran In a recent article, “The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited,”work by Cole and Ohanian was highlighted because it comes to conclusions similar...

- Entenda A Grande Depressão
The Hoover-Roosevelt Depression Revisited Mises Daily: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 by John P. Cochran This year is the fiftieth anniversary of Murray Rothbard’s America’s Great Depression. In that work, Rothbard masterfully achieves three objectives. ...

- Robert Barro Sobre A Probabilidade De Uma Depressão
De seu artigo no WSJ: "In the end, we learned two things. Periods without stock-market crashes are very safe, in the sense that depressions are extremely unlikely. However, periods experiencing stock-market crashes, such as 2008-09 in the U.S., represent...

