Brazilian Industry Production and Employment in 2009

Brazilian Industry Production and Employment in 2009

The Brazilian industry production has dropped 4,4% into the first quarter of 2009, comparing with the equal period of 2008, consequently of the decline of 26% on the exports from manufacturing industry. The sectors of vehicles, wood, petroleum & leather & shoes are the most affected by retraction of foreign sales.
Among the 22 sectors examined between January and March, the most disadvantaged are those that have strong correlation with the international trade. The first in the list is the vehicles sector that had to fall 51% in the exports in the first quarter and decline of 7.7% over same quarter of the last year. Then the sector of wood, which has a 48% reduction in exports between January and March and the 16.6% decline in industrial production sector in comparison with the first quarter of 2008. The segment of oil and fuel is the third in the list, the record of lost was 41% in the exports and 9.9% decrease in national production. After footwear and leather comes with a 40% decline in exports and 14.3% in production.

The economists of Brazilian government said that the consequences of this are the decline of the Brazilian GDP in the year of 2009. This is result of the international crisis that is affecting all the word. This crisis make the demand reduces in all countries. 
The lack of credit is one of the main problems that are affecting the export sector, especially for medium and small enterprises. The crisis began to affect the results of larges companies in the entire world, causing the collapse of international credit and a lack of confidence in markets.
To reverse the trend of decline in industrial production, the Brazilian government reduced taxes on industrialized products (IPI). The measure has brought positive results for the economy and growth in domestic sales. Among the highlights the automobile sector had a high of 7% in the April sales.
The pharmaceutical sector was high at 9% in the sales, of other chemical products rose 3.5% and instrumentation equipment for hospital and medical-optical, 20.8%. The extractive industry recorded growth of 2.4% in the same month.
Employment in Brazilian industry dropped 5% in March compared to same month of 2008, the retraction of the strongest annual series begun in 2001. For February, the decline was 0.6%.
The data was released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). It was the sixth month following a fall in industrial employment. In the first quarter, the industrial employment declined 4% compared to the same period last year.
The number of paid hours fell 0.9% in March over February and declined 5.6% year on year.
The payroll was real low in comparison to 2.5% monthly and 2.2% in the year.
In the yearly comparison, 14 locations had dry contingent workers. Appeared in this case, for example, Sao Paulo (-4.0%), northern region and the Midwest (-8.6%) and Minas Gerais (-6.2%).
In sectoral terms, 14 of the 18 sectors surveyed by the IBGE showed decrease in employment, such as clothing (-8.6%), machinery and equipment (-8.2%), footwear and leather goods (-10.3%) and means of transport (-7%). On the contrary, to increase the level of officials were paper and printing (7%), oil refining and production of alcohol (3.5%), non-metallic minerals (0.8%) and extractive industry (0, 5%).
It follows that it was inevitable the country being affected by international crisis. This is evidenced by data presented by which the Brazilian production and exports declined and unemployment increased significantly last year. To mitigate this crisis, the government adopted some tax policies, including the reduction of the IPI. The market reaction was mild with increased recruitment of workers in April last.


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