
Quem quer comprar um kilowatt atômico?

Taí um investimento politicamente incorreto: energia atômica. Leia a notícia toda e veja os espertinhos russos tentando manter o seu quinhão das antigas colônias (leste europeu)...

Growth in exports of products and services of the Russian atomic energy industry will amount to about $400m in 2004. The planned amount of exports is to be $3.4bn this year compared to $3.01bn in 2003, Alexander Rumyantsev, the head of the Federal Agency for Atomic Energy, declared at a news conference in Moscow today. He also mentioned that Rosenergoatom was planning to increase its electrical energy production by 3bn kilowatt-hours. In 2003 it was 148.6bn kilowatt-hours.


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