THIS week's Free exchange column looks at some of the monetary economics of Bitcoin. One of the funny (and telling) things about Bitcoin is that its basic technical details are sufficiently complicated that every piece on the subject must begin with some sort of explainer. For that, let me direct you to a companion piece to the Free exchange, which looks at Bitcoin as a technological platform.
Bitcoin is really quite ingenious and elegant, but it has all sorts of basic flaws that make it an unlikely candidate for world domination. The Free exchange focuses on one in particular: limited supply.
História E Tipos De Moeda
Hoje a moeda até já podéria ser dispensada, pois a generalidade das pessoas recebe o seu salário por transferência bancária e efectua os pagamentos através de cartões bancários, instrumentos de pagamento que podem ser classificados em três tipos,...
Quem é A Mula?
Como usual, o muar tem a mesma nacionalidade que eu e a maioria dos leitores deste blog. Vejam o que ele/a zurrou: An alternative solution as extreme as dollarization or the adoption of a currency board is a fully free floating rate. This option is actually...
Bancos Centrais E Bitcoins
Palestra sobre Bancos Centrais e Moeda Digital reúne interessados em Aracaju
Por Via de Notícias em 10/09/2015
Capital Sergipana está no topo da lista de utilização do Bitcoin no Brasil
A noite da última quarta, 9, foi marcada pelas...
O Conceito De "capitalismo"
“Free Markets” Are Not “Capitalism”
The word “capitalism” was coined by the socialists, often used as a pejorative, and has historically described a system of state-granted privilege and plutocracy. This is the definition to which most...
A Revolução De Bitcoin
Bitcoin Pursues the Mainstream
The currency known as bitcoin — a much-hyped and much-doubted type of
digital cash that can be bought with traditional money — has mostly
attracted attention for its popularity...